This celebration arises from Resolution A/RES/72/161 of the United Nations adopted in 2017,
which recognizes the 23rd of September as the International Day of Sign Languages.
Following the sucess of the 2020 and 2021 Global Leaders challenges ,the WFD is proud to
announce its continuation to be achieved during the upcoming International Day of sign
Languages,on 23 september 2022.this challenge Aims to promote the use of NAtional Sign language
and Global Leaders in Paretenership with The national Association of Deaf People .
Your country Leaders might they ne Prime minister,Presidents,other governoment officials,members
of Parliaments,Members of city council,should sign in your National sign languag' 'SIGN
UNITE US !'' the Global Leaders challenge is an opportinuitues for national Associations
of Deaf
people to establish and Maintain sustainable collaborations with Their National Leaders through
the use their natijonal sign language.
On this edition of the International Day of sign language, the world will highlight the unity generated by sign languages. Deaf communities, governments and civil societies Organizations continue to collective efforts hand-in-hand to foster, promote and recognize national sign languages as parts of their countries' vibrant and diverse linguistic landscape .The promotion and protection of the linguistic and cultural identities of all Deaf People and National sign language users can only be achieved through Partnership and unity.
From industry leaders to cutting-edge startups, our diverse network of partners provides unparalleled expertise and support, ensuring we stay ahead of the curve.